I took part in making two of the television commercials in the series depicting large construction projects done by the Taisei Corporation outside of Japan directed by Makoto Shinkai.

These 30 seconds short animations (there were 15 seconds versions also) were, apart of television and the internet also shown in other places like screens in trains or huge screens around Tokyo.


Taisei Corporation TV CM “Sri Lanka Highway”
大成建設テレビCM 「スリランカ高速道路」篇

This short piece contrasts the sceneries of Sri-lanka with Japanese mountains using the road and a kite as a connecting element. I created eight of the fifteen backgrounds for this animation. You can see some of them on the screenshots below and read more on the official website.

新海誠監督の新作:大成建設の新しいTVCM「スリランカ高速道路篇」に背景を描かせていただきました。スリランカと日本の風景を路のテーマでつながっています。 15カットから僕が描きましたのは8枚です。選んだいくつかの背景を以下のスクリーンショットに見えます:詳細については大成建設のホームページ。


Taisei Corporation TV CM “Vietnam Noi Bai Airport”
大成建設テレビCM 「ベトナム・ノイバイ空港」篇

This commercial depicts the life of a male engineer who is working on the Terminal Building of the International Airport in Noi Bai. I created about seven backgrounds for this spot. You can see some of them on the screenshots below and read more on the official website


All the screenshots copyrights by Comix Wave Films / Taisei Corp.