About Neil Gaiman

The book contains references to the works and speeches of Neil Gaiman. At the time I wrote those articles I was unaware of the sexual assault allegations against him, and I only saw them on October 14th, when the first edition was already in stores. I strive to hold the public figures I mention in my books to high ethical standards, so I am deeply concerned about the moral implications here, and I am extremely sorry for any offense my mentioning Neil Gaiman as a role model may have caused.

"What do I want to do as an artist?" "What makes art good?"

This book of essays on art, and especially on art-making, began from the long-form articles I have written over the years for my blog.

I have always turned to writing to learn about things on a deeper level. This time, I focused on finding answers to the problems I faced every day while working as an independent artist, tried to self-analyze, and wrote down any solutions I found. How does one make "good" art? What does that truly mean? How to have more freedom and fun while creating? How can an artist depend less on elusive things like "imagination" or "inspiration"? What about the tools?

The expanded blog texts and many new articles have been translated into a book of essays - more than 300 pages in Japanese! Most of the texts feature new original illustrations as well!

After writing and, most importantly, maybe, really reading back my thoughts to myself from the pages many times, I see my direction as an artist more clearly. I hope this book will help others see it, too. I recommend this book, especially to those struggling with making art who would like to learn from someone else's solutions and those interested in a more well-being-oriented work style. And, of course, there are some tips on art materials, too!



Book details:

  • Title: 見えるものを描かず、見えないものを描く
  • Title in English: "How to Paint the Invisible"
  • Format: 320 pages, about 14.8x21cm
  • Cover: Soft cover + dust jacket
  • Language: Japanese only!  日本語のみ
  • Publisher: Genkosha 玄光社
  • Official website: HERE
  • ISBN-10: 4768319548
  • ISBN-13: 978-4768319543

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Sample illustrations:

Just two examples chosen from the almost hundred illustrations featured in the book:
本に掲載されている約 100 点のイラストの中から選んだ 2 つの例:

To know more about the book please see the official page of the publisher, Genkosha.