July 2023: "Illust-Note Premium"
A special feature in the Japanese magazine about illustration.
マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチの手描きの技: 描く人のためのメイキングマガジン。
The 2023 July edition of the Japanese “Illustration Note Premium” magazine-book featuring my work - including a long interview, a talk with the author of one of my favorite mangas, a lot of my digital work printed in high quality for the first time, and sections about tools, studio, and my processes too! About 90 pages of new stuff to read and see!
特集:マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチの手描きの技 (コンテンツ90ページ程)

IllustNote July 2023:
- Format: 160 pages (90 pages feature)
- Size: A4 magazine-book (mook)
- Language: Japanese 日本語
- Published by 誠文堂新光社
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