
I create traditional media and digital paintings and illustrations, animations, comics, and videos. I'm originally from Poland, but currently, I work out of my studio in Tokyo, Japan, along with my comic artist wife, Kana. If you are curious about my creative process, have a look at my YouTube channel!
I was born (1986) and raised in Silesia, Poland. I studied electronic engineering until I found out that making art can be more than a weird hobby while working with the makers of graphics tablets: WACOM. I finished Computer Graphics at the Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology, and thanks to a Japanese government scholarship, I moved to Kobe, Japan, to study animation and comics. I graduated with honors from Kobe Design University with a short animated movie called "Right Places."
Since 2013 I have been working as a full-time background artist in the Comix Wave Films animation studio in Tokyo. Taking part in making of TV commercials, animated TV series (for example, "Space Dandy"), and feature-length animated movies (like "Your Name.").
I moved to a freelance artist career to focus on my original projects in 2017 and started working on the "Tokyo Storefronts" watercolor illustration album (published in April 2018). I continue to make my art (illustrations, paintings, animations, comics), online content (YouTube videos, etc.), as well as taking part in bigger projects (short animations) and doing commission work from time to time.
2018年4月 画集「東京店構え マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチ作品集」を出版。
2018年6月 Webアニメーション「すすめ、カロリーナ」で監督、脚本、背景担当。
2019年9月 画集「東京夜行 マテウシュ・ウルバノヴィチ作品集Ⅱ」を出版。
2022年8月 画集「お蔵出し 2010-2021」を出版。
Exhibitions and events:
- Joint exhibitions: 共同展
- "Spirit of Japan from Paris" Kadokawa Culture Museum, November 2021
「浮世絵劇場 from Paris」 角川武蔵野ミュージアム、2021年11月 - "Carnet de Voyage" Bordeaux, France, January 2022
「トラベルジャーナル」ボルドー、フランス、2022年1月 - "Fine Art Collection of SHUTOKO Expressway", O Gallery, Japan, December 2022
「開通60周年記念「芸術作品に見る首都高展」、O美術館、日本、2022年12月 - "MD15th Special Event", Showcase (Aoyama Spiral), Japan, Tokyo, January 2023
MD15th スペシャルイベント&ポップアップストア in 東京 - "Tokyo Flâneur Vol. 2", Group, open-air exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, January 2024
東京フラヌール Vol. 2 、2024年01月19日から、東京
- "Spirit of Japan from Paris" Kadokawa Culture Museum, November 2021
Solo exhibitions: 個展- "BOTTEGHE DI TOKYO" Tenoha Milano, 2022 See photos >>
「東京店構え」TENOHA ミラノ、2022年
- "BOTTEGHE DI TOKYO" Tenoha Milano, 2022 See photos >>
Published articles:
A series of illustrated articles about my relationship with drawing tools was featured in a magazine called 「趣味の文具箱」(Hobby Box of Writing Tools, published quarterly in Japan by エイ出版社)
Featured in volumes: 56 (December 2020), 57 (March 2021), 58 (July 2021), 59 (September 2021).

Featured by:

Featured in:

Clients / Cooperation:
- Animation Studios アニメスタジオ:
- Comix Wave Films 株式会社コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム
- Studio Colorido 株式会社スタジオコロリド
- Studio Bones 株式会社 ボンズ
- Publishers 出版社:
- MdN Corp. 株式会社エムディエヌコーポレーション
- Kinnohoshi Co,Ltd. 金の星社
- KODANSHA LTD. 株式会社講談社
- X-Knowledge co. ltd 株式会社 エクスナレッジ
- Ei-Publishing Co.,Ltd. 株式会社 エイ出版社
- Advertising Companies 広告代理店:
- HAKUHODO Inc. 株式会社 博報堂
- DENTSU INC. 株式会社 電通
- Television 放送局:
- NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) 日本放送協会
- Nippon Television Network Corporation 日本テレビ放送網株式会社
- Other その他:
- Celsys, Inc. 株式会社セルシス
- Savage Interactive Pty Ltd.
- Kuretake Co.,Ltd. 株式会社呉竹
- Otsuka Pharmaceutical 大塚製薬株式会社
- Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd 江崎グリコ株式会社
- Ozeki Corporation 株式会社オオゼキコーポレーション
- Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. 日本航空株式会社